About KofC Council 8781
Knights of Columbus Ted H. Denning, Jr. Council 8781, is based at St. John Neumann Catholic Church, Diocese of Knoxville, in Farragut, Tennessee, United States of America.
Our Mission
Together, we’re empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community.
Join Us!
If you are interested in serving your family, your parish, and your community more deeply, all while financially protecting the ones you love, please consider joining us! You can click the Join button at the top or bottom of every page on this site (or simply follow the link).
Council Meetings
Meetings are held on the first and third Thursday of the month, in the St. John Neumann Catholic School Music Room, 633 St. John Court, Farragut, TN, 37934.
Council Business Meeting
First Thursday, at 19:00 EST/EDT
Program Planning Meeting
Third Thursday, at 19:00 EST/EDT, with Rosary at 18:30 EST/EDT