Pregnancy Aid Centers
More than 3,000 pro-life pregnancy centers now operate throughout territories of the Knights of Columbus. By the very nature of its founding, the Knights of Columbus is called to care for the widow and orphan. Abortion-vulnerable unborn children and mothers experiencing unexpected pregnancies certainly fall within that mandate. With aid from the Knights, pregnancy centers can offer support to help women choose life. Councils can “adopt” a pregnancy center and provide material, labor, and spiritual support throughout the year. Through the ASAP Initiative, for every $500 your council or assembly donates to a pregnancy resource center or maternity home (up to $2,000), the Supreme Council will donate $100.
Council 8781 has ongoing fundraisers annually to support local, diocese-approved pregnancy aid centers. This includes the ultrasound initiative.
Aid and Support After Pregnancy (ASAP)
Help mothers and babies by supporting pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes. The Supreme Council has many initiatives and programs related to this worthy cause, you may read about them here.
Council 8781 has several fundraisers that support ASAP, under its Pro-Life activities.